The Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.), the Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.), the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (B.S.N.), the Bachelor of Social Work degree (B.S.W.), the Bachelor of Music degree (B.M.), the Associate of Arts degree (A.A.), the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), the Associate of Science in Nursing degree (A.S.N.), the Associate of Science in Radiography (A.S.R.), and the Associate of Science degree (A.S.) are granted by Southwest Baptist University.
Degree Requirements
General Regulations
- Students are eligible to graduate after fulfilling the requirements described in the academic regulations section of the catalog under which they first enroll at Southwest Baptist University. They have a seven-year period during which they may graduate under that catalog. If there are extenuating circumstances, the student may appeal to the Office of the Provost for a waiver. Otherwise, students have the option to choose any catalog subsequent to the one under which they entered.
- Students must successfully complete at least one course at Southwest Baptist University during the academic year of the catalog selected for graduation.
- Students who enroll in another college or university without prior permission of the Office of the Provost are considered to have withdrawn from Southwest Baptist University.
- Students who plan to transfer work from another institution and not withdraw from Southwest Baptist University must obtain “Permission for a Transfer of Credit” from the Registrar’s Office prior to enrolling in another institution.
- A student may not simultaneously pursue more than two undergraduate academic majors at Southwest Baptist University.
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Social Work Degrees
To receive a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or Bachelor of Social Work degree, students must:
- Complete all core curriculum requirements.
- Complete an approved major and its required supporting work.
- Complete at least 120 approved credits, of which 36 credits must be in upper division (3000-4000 level) course work. No upper division credit will be granted for work taken in junior college(s), although the work may be counted toward the required total of 120 credits. Students may count no more than 4 credits of physical activity courses toward the 120 credit requirement (except physical education and sport management majors). KIN 1162 does not count as part of this 4 credit limit. No more than 38 credits in a single discipline (e.g., business, history or music) will be counted toward the Bachelor of Arts degree.
- Complete 30 of the last 36 hours of the degree program at SBU. The intent of this policy is to ensure that the student’s major-area courses will be principally completed at SBU.
- At least one-half of a student’s major must be completed at SBU. SBU will accept a maximum of 90 credits from other institutions toward a degree. A maximum of 72 credits may be transferred from community or junior colleges.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 for the credits attempted, including at least an average cumulative GPA of 2.00 in the major, minor, or certificate areas. Some majors require a GPA higher than 2.00 for all major course work.
- Students who are eligible to graduate upon satisfactory completion of the final semester’s work are invited to attend commencement ceremonies, in December or May. Students complete the Graduation Application by the stated deadline and pay the graduation fee. Students who complete all requirements will receive a diploma by mail. Students who cannot participate in the commencement ceremonies should inform the Office of the Provost (
- Students may participate in commencement ceremonies the semester before degree completion if they have 12 credits or less remaining. Student with more than 12 credits remaining must receive special permission to walk early. Students the submit the Special Academic Request to the Division Head for approval to walk early in the commencement ceremonies. Student diplomas will be dated in the completion semester.
Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of Science in Radiography, and Associate of Applied Science Degrees
None of the associate’s degrees can be received in conjunction with a bachelor’s degree. To receive any of the associate’s degrees from SBU, students must:
- Complete all core curriculum requirements as established for the degree desired.
- Complete at least 60 hours, of which no more than two are physical activity courses. At least 25% of the total hours for the degree must be completed at SBU.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 for the credits attempted. Some programs require a GPA higher than 2.00 for all major course work.
- Students who are eligible to graduate upon satisfactory completion of the final semester’s work are invited to attend commencement ceremonies, in December or May. Students complete the Graduation Application by the stated deadline and pay the graduation fee. Students who complete all requirements will receive a diploma by mail. Students who cannot participate in the commencement ceremonies should inform the Office of the Provost (
- Students may participate in commencement ceremonies the semester before degree completion if they have 12 credits or less remaining. Student with more than 12 credits remaining must receive special permission to walk early. Students the submit the Special Academic Request to the Division Head for approval to walk early in the commencement ceremonies. Student diplomas will be dated in the completion semester.
Second Bachelor’s Degree
(After first degree has been awarded)
A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from any accredited institution may be awarded a second baccalaureate degree from Southwest Baptist University by meeting the following requirements:
- Complete at least 30 credits above the requirements for the first degree, 24 of which must be at SBU.
- Complete all requirements for the second degree, except core curriculum requirements. If the first degree is a B.A.S. degree, any core curriculum deficiencies must be completed.
- Complete requirements for the second major.
- Complete BIB 1013 , BIB 1023 , and SPF 2012 /2023/2032, if the first degree was awarded at another institution.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in all work taken for the second degree.
SBU Recognitions
Honor Roll
To be listed on the semester’s honor roll, students must complete 12 credits at SBU and earn at least a 3.00 GPA, with no course grade below 2.00 GPA.
Honor’s List: 3.00-3.49
Deans’ List: 3.50-3.69
President’s List: 3.70-3.84
Trustees’ List: 3.85-4.00
Honors Graduation
Undergraduate students will graduate with honors according to the following cumulative GPA. In order to graduate with honors, students must have earned a minimum of 45 credits at SBU prior to the semester of graduation. The cumulative GPA at the end of the semester previous to the semester of graduation will be used to determine honor graduates for the commencement ceremony.
Summa cum laude: 3.850-4.00
Magna cum laude: 3.700-3.849
Cum laude: 3.500-3.699
The official honors notation will be made on transcripts after the final semester grades are included in the GPA.
Glossary of Academic Terms
Academic Penalty
Failing grades are included in GPA computation but a grade of W (withdrawal) is not included in GPA computation. For financial aid consequences of withdrawing from a class see the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
Credits are usually based on the number of times a class meets each week. Courses vary from one to six credits; however, there is a predominance of three credit classes. Each hour of credit represents the equivalent of one recitation period of 50 minutes per week or a laboratory period of 100 to 150 minutes each week per semester.
Full-Time Student
To be classified as a full-time student during a semester, a student must be enrolled in 12 semester credits.
Faculty Advisor
All incoming students are initially assigned an advisor in the University Success Center. Additionally, students are assigned faculty advisors based on their intended major. The advisor counsels and guides the students in planning course schedules and programs at SBU.
Grading System
A grade represents an evaluation of a student’s academic performance in a course and is determined by examinations and other criteria. Course grades are defined as follows: A, excellent; B, above average; C, average; D, minimum passing; F, failure; and I, incomplete. In certain courses, a grade of P (passing) may be given.
Grade Points
Each semester hour of credit is valued in grade points as follows: A, four points; B, three points; C, two points; D, one point; F, no points. P grades are not assigned grade points and are not considered in computing students’ grade point averages. W grades are not assigned grade points and are not considered in computing students’ grade point averages. W grades are assigned in classes where a student withdraws from a class after the last day to add classes but before the last day to withdraw from class. In order to graduate, students must earn an average of two grade points (2.0 - C average) for each credit hour attempted.
Incomplete Grades
An instructor may assign an incomplete grade (I) when a student has the possibility of earning a passing grade but is unable to complete all of the course requirements due to extraordinary circumstances (e.g., illness, family emergency). The incomplete grade (I) should be used only when the student has completed approximately 80 percent of the course requirements. An incomplete grade is not used to permit a student to repeat a course or to improve a grade. The instructor completes the Application for Incomplete Grade form, signs it, and submits it to the appropriate division head and dean for approval. The completed form is filed in the Registrar’s Office. Requirements for completing the course and appropriate grade designations are specified in the application. The student is responsible for completing satisfactorily all of the course requirements within 120 days of the posting of the incomplete grade. The instructor submits a Grade Change form to the Registrar’s Office to remove the incomplete grade (I). If the requirements are not completed within 120 days of the end of the term, the incomplete grade (I) will convert to a failing grade (F).
In-Progress Grades
An In-Progress (IP) grade may be given for courses that usually require more than one semester to complete (e.g., readings, theses, internships, or practicum courses). Requirements for completing the course are to be specified by the instructor on the application. The In-Progress Grade form must be signed by the instructor and submitted to the appropriate division head and college dean for approval. The completed and signed form must then be filed in the Registrar’s Office. Additional copies of the form will be given to the student, instructor, academic advisor, and college dean.
It is the responsibility of the student to complete satisfactorily, under the supervision of the instructor, all course requirements within 120 days of the posting of the in-progress grade. If the in-progress grade is not cleared within this time limit, the “IP” will convert to an appropriate letter grade based on the completed work. If there are extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, the student may request a time extension through the special academic request process.
General Academic Regulations
This grading status of “audit” will permit a student to attend class, but does not allow the student to take tests or have assignments graded by the instructor. A student may change from audit to credit or from credit to audit only during the time period when courses can be added. Note: When a student audits a course, the hours for the audited course do count in the load for the term; however, no hours are earned, and the course is not calculated in the total number of hours or GPA.
A degree-seeking student who wishes to audit a course should consult their academic advisor. If the advisor agrees that auditing a course is in the best interest of the student, the advisor will contact the course instructor and request permission for the student to audit the course. If the instructor agrees, once the student is registered in the course, the advisor should ask the Registrar’s Office to make the grading designation that of “audit.”
A non-degree seeking student who wishes to audit a course must have permission from the instructor to register in the course as a student who is auditing the class. The student should forward the instructor’s permission to the Registrar’s Office and request to be registered in the course. Persons who are not currently enrolled in the University must apply for admission in order to register as an auditor. (See Financial Information for cost of auditing a course.)
Load Limit for Credits
In any semester, a student takes a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 18 credits. Students must apply for special permission to take more than 18 credits. Students are not allowed to exceed 20 credits in a semester. In May, June, and July terms, students are allowed a maximum of six credits.
Repeating Courses
Courses taken at Southwest Baptist University for which the grade is F or D may be repeated only twice. Courses taken for which the grade is C can be repeated only once. Courses taken for which the grade is B cannot be repeated. Exception to the number of times a course can be repeated may be granted only by the Provost. If the course is repeated at another college or university, approval must be received from the appropriate SBU division head or the core curriculum committee if it is a core curriculum course. To ensure that the course will transfer, it is recommended that the student get approval prior to enrolling in the course.
Pass-Fail Option
The pass-fail option is intended to provide students with opportunities to pursue specialized or outside interests without affecting their GPAs. In order to take a graded course for pass-fail, students consult their academic advisor. If the advisor approves, the student should complete a Pass-Fail form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office before the last day to add courses at the beginning of the term. The Pass-Fail form must be signed by the student, the advisor, and the Registrar.
Note: Students should be aware that some universities, graduate schools, and professional schools do not accept credit for courses that have been assigned grades of P. Students would be advised not to take P/F courses if there is a possibility that the course might serve as a prerequisite for acceptance into a graduate, professional, or some other academic program.
Students may enroll in one P/F course per semester under the following conditions:
- Courses taken under the P/F option cannot be used to satisfy core curriculum (except those taken as credit by examination), major, minor, professional education, pre-professional, or graduation requirements.
- Honors classes cannot be taken on a P/F basis.
- The P/F option is not available for the repeating of a course for which a student has received a letter grade.
The following outlines the grading approach and implications:
- Students earning grades of A, B, or C in courses for which they were enrolled on a P/F basis will receive a P; those receiving a D or F will receive an F for the course.
- A grade of P will not affect the GPA; however, an F will adversely affect the GPA as do F’s in graded courses.
- Instructors are not informed of students enrolled in their courses on the P/F basis, unless the instructor is the student’s advisor.
- Final grades are converted to this system in the Office of the Registrar.
Changing an Academic Major
Students may change their majors by obtaining the Request for Changing a Student’s Academic Program form. The form is completed and signed by both the student and a faculty advisor. If the Division of Education is included, the certification officer’s signature is required. Once the form is complete, the form is sent to the Registrar’s Office.
Credit Check - Degree Audit
When a student has earned between 70 and 80 hours toward a bachelor’s degree at Southwest Baptist University, he or she must request an official program evaluation at the Registrar’s Office. A student pursuing an associate degree must request a program evaluation between 30 and 35 credit hours. The program evaluation details both the student’s progress and the degree requirements yet to be met.
Final Examinations
All students may be required to take final examinations. Final examinations are scheduled during the last week of each semester, or at the conclusion of course instruction. In the event of unusual circumstances, students may request to take an examination at an alternate time. Such requests must be submitted to the University Success Center. A student who has three or more final examinations on the same day can change a final exam to an alternate time.
Students are expected to attend the classes for which they are enrolled. Courses at Southwest Baptist University have an attendance policy that is listed in the course syllabus. Courses that use attendance as part of the students’ grades are required to present a rationale for the attendance component of the grade and the consequences for an absence. For an online class, attendance should reflect a substantive activity. A student who does not complete assigned academic work because of an absence from class is responsible for making up that work in accordance with the policies established by the faculty member in the course.
Students are allowed to make up assignments and tests missed due to an excused absence. The following circumstances are deemed as excusable:
- Illness
- Family Emergency (Death or serious illness)
- University Sanctioned Events (Intercollegiate athletic events, class trips, club trips, trips sponsored by the university)
- Extraordinary Circumstances
In some cases, absences cannot be made up. For certain courses that include performance-based activities, restrictive scheduling, and contact hour requirements (such as clinicals, practicums, and internships) stricter policies are maintained.
Excused Absences (Reporting Absences)
Absences should be communicated directly with instructors in a timely manner. For instances in which a student misses three or more consecutive days for illness, family emergency, or extraordinary circumstances, the student should contact the Office of Student Life (Bolivar) or Campus Director (Springfield, Salem, Mountain View) at which time they will notify the appropriate faculty members of the student’s excused absence.
For University sanctioned activities the student is responsible for ensuring that the instructor is notified by the sponsor or coach regarding the activity. The instructor should be notified prior to the class absence and the student is responsible for all make-up work prescribed by the instructor.
Remote Learning Accommodations for Extended Absences from Seated Courses
When there are extraordinary circumstances that result in absences from seated courses for more than two weeks, alternative arrangements may be possible to allow the student to continue working on seated courses. In this case, the student may request accommodations for remote learning for an extended absence. Generally, accommodations for remote learning will be granted for extended absences for four weeks or less.
- Students need to submit a written request to the Office of Student Life (Bolivar) or Campus Director (Springfield, Salem, Mountain View) that includes the following information:
- The time frame in which they are requesting to be remote
- The extraordinary circumstances with documentation, if applicable
- The courses that would require remote learning
- A plan for return
- Following the submission of the request, the Provost and Vice President for Student Life/Campus Director will review the request and provide a decision.
- Affected instructors will be contacted and asked to provide a remote learning opportunity, if possible. Remote learning opportunities could include synchronous classes via online platforms, asynchronous work, check-in meetings, or other alternatives that reflect an appropriate substitution for the classes being missed.
- When the student’s circumstances do not qualify for remote learning accommodations or a course does not permit remote learning, the student may need to consider the Institutional Withdrawal Policy, Medical Institutional Withdrawal Policy, or the Incomplete Grade Policy.
In accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Southwest Baptist University shall treat pregnancy and related conditions as a justification for an excused absence for so long a period of time as is deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician. Requests for excused absence related to pregnancy should be directed to the Office of Student Life.
Changes of Enrollment
The time for enrollment in classes is limited to the first seven class days of each semester. International students and those students returning from active military duty may enroll in classes during the first two weeks of each semester. Classes may be added during the first two class days of the four-week summer terms or during the first four class days of the eight-week summer term.
Course Withdrawal (Dropping a Course)
Between the last day to add a course and the designated drop deadline, students may drop any course for which they are registered, seated or online. Prior to the drop deadline, students complete the Course Drop Form and submit it to their advisor, course instructor, and the NCAA Compliance Officer (if applicable) to initiate the course withdrawal. Once the form is approved, and the instructor has verified the last date of attendance, the form should be submitted to the Registrar’s office to complete the drop process. For an online course, the last date of attendance is the due date for the student’s submission of the last graded activity. Students dropping a course will be charged based on the dropped class fee.
Any refund of tuition charges is determined by the Business Office, based on the Tuition Refund policy and schedule. All students are encouraged to meet with the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office to understand any financial implications that may occur from withdrawing from the institution.
Administrative Withdrawal for Non-Attendance
If a student does not attend a course and has no contact with the institution or instructor regarding the absences, the student can be administratively withdrawn for non-attendance. Generally, students will not be administratively withdrawn until the absences exceed 10% of the course from the beginning of the semester. Before a student is administratively withdrawn, the advisor, instructor, or director of the University Success Center will contact the student via email regarding the student’s intent to participate in the course. Administrative withdrawal applies to students who never attended the course.
A student who does not attend seated classes can be administratively withdrawn by the director of the University Success Center, upon recommendation from the student’s course instructor or advisor using the Course Drop Form. A student who does not attend an online course can be administratively withdrawn by the course instructor or the advisor using the Course Drop Form. The last date of attendance will be marked as non-attendance.
Institutional Withdrawal
Students may withdraw from the institution, including all enrolled courses, after the designated drop deadline. To withdraw from the institution, the student completes the Withdrawal Form which is then submitted to the director of the University Success Center to be processed. Students will receive a “W” grade for all courses in which they are passing as of the date of the withdrawal. Students will receive an “F” grade for all courses in which the student is failing as of the date of the withdrawal.
Any refund of tuition charges is determined by the Business Office, based on the Tuition Refund policy and schedule. All students are encouraged to meet with the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office to understand any financial implications that may occur from withdrawing from the institution.
Medical Institutional Withdrawal
During the semester, if students experience serious or unexpected circumstances due to extreme medical hardships that prevent them from engaging in academic work, students can complete the Withdrawal Form, with the additional paperwork to request a medical withdrawal. The Withdrawal Form, and any related paperwork, must be submitted prior to the last day of the semester. The request to medically withdraw must include the following components:
- The Withdrawal Form can be found in the Registrar’s office or University Success Center.
- A dated and signed letter on letterhead from a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional (i.e., M.D., D.O., Psy.D, LPC) explaining the student’s illness or mental health concerns and a recommendation for withdrawal. Students may submit any other medical documentation that is applicable.
Requests for withdrawal are submitted to the director of the University Success Center to be considered. The director of the University Success Center sends the request to the Provost and Vice President for Student Life for approval. Approved withdrawals are processed by the director of the University Success Center. Students whose requests are approved will receive grades of “W” for each course for which they are registered. No “I” (Incomplete) grades will be given. No credit for any course is earned when medical withdrawal is granted, leaving the student’s GPA unaffected.
Any refund of tuition charges is determined by the Business Office, based on the Tuition Refund policy and schedule. All students are encouraged to meet with the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office to understand any financial implications that may occur from the medical leave status.
Students are allowed to be on medical leave for the semester they apply for plus one additional semester immediately following. Students can return to the University in the semester after the leave without having to reapply for admission. Students on leave for more than two semesters must reapply through the Office of Admissions. Readmitted students will have their financial aid re-evaluated at the time of admission and follow the academic catalog of the year of their readmission, which may change the range of academic programs they may pursue.
In some cases, the university may require a student to involuntarily withdraw from the university for medical reasons. Involuntary medical withdrawal occurs when the student’s physical, emotional, or psychological condition constitutes a hazard to themselves, other students, or the campus community. In such circumstances, the student will qualify for medical withdrawal. A student placed on involuntary leave may appeal the University’s decision by following the Student Grievance Process listed in the student handbook.
Academic Standing
Academic standing applies to degree-seeking undergraduate students. Students who earn a cumulative GPA (institutional and transfer courses) of 2.00 or greater are considered in good standing. Students who earn a GPA of less than 2.00 will be placed on academic probation or dismissal.
Students who earn a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 are placed on probation for the following semester. Students are allowed to be on probation for two semesters before they must earn a 2.00 cumulative GPA to continue to enroll.
Students on probation take a maximum of 15 credits per semester and are assigned a secondary advisor in the University Success Center who will work with them to create an academic improvement plan and develop a schedule to repeat any failed courses. Students on probation are limited in their extracurricular involvement and should understand that certain restrictions may increase the time needed to meet graduation requirements.
Students who have been on probation for two semesters and fail to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher at the end of the second semester will be dismissed. While on probation, any student who earns a semester GPA less than 1.0 is subject to immediate dismissal. Students who are dismissed must remain unenrolled for one semester, not including summer, before they are eligible for reinstatement.
After taking a semester off, students are allowed to reapply to the university. Students must send a letter to the Office of the Provost requesting permission to re-enroll. The letter should include an explanation for how the student will prevent any further academic difficulties. Students who re-enroll follow the catalog and major plan of the academic year in which they are re-enrolling.
Students seeking to appeal their academic standing should send a letter to the Office of the Provost prior to the start of the next academic term. The appeal letter must clearly state and explain:
- Any extraordinary circumstances that prevented the student from attaining the necessary academic progress, and
- How the student will prevent any further academic difficulties.
The Dean’s Council will review any appeals and make a final decision prior to the start of the academic term. The student, and the student’s advisor, will be notified of the decision.
Note: In order to graduate from Southwest Baptist University, a student must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00, institutional GPA of 2.00, and a major GPA of 2.00 (some majors may require a GPA of higher than 2.00).
Note: A student on probation may remain eligible for some types of financial aid, if standards for satisfactory academic progress (SAP) are met. The SAP guidelines for financial aid are set externally and may differ from academic standing at SBU. Appeals regarding SBU academic standing do not apply to SAP