Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Life

Student Orientation

Welcome Week provides each new student a small-group experience designed to initiate a smooth transition to the University environment. All new students, freshman and transfer, are eligible to participate in this orientation program held annually on the Bolivar campus prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

Student Behavior

Student Responsibility

The goal of campus life at Southwest is to provide a Christian community of faith and learning. Students agree to accept responsibilities of membership in the University community. The University reserves the right and power to discipline or dismiss any students who fail to accept this responsibility. Each student agrees that the University shall have this right and power of discipline or dismissal.


Any member of the University community may assume responsibility for upholding University standards of conduct. Normally, the first approach should be to advise or counsel students about the alleged misconduct. When counseling is unfeasible or ineffective or in cases of serious violations, referral will be made for formal counseling or disciplinary proceedings. Guidelines for disciplinary action, along with the procedure for disciplinary appeals, are outlined in the SBU Student Handbook.


Students should refer to the SBU Student Handbook (www.SBUniv.edu) for information regarding misconduct.

Student Residence

Campus housing is reserved for SBU students who are enrolled for 12 or more hours. Students under the age of 21 are required to live in campus housing. Students living in dorm facilities are required to have an on-campus meal plan. Priority for housing assignments is given to students currently attending SBU. All new students are given priority for assignment according to their application completion dates.

  1. Beasley Hall is comprised of suite-style bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms.
  2. Casebolt Apartments is a 15-unit apartment building with living-dining room combinations, two bedrooms, a single bathroom, and a card accessibility outdoor entrance.
  3. Gott Hall houses two students per room with community bath facilities on each floor.
  4. Landen Hall is comprised of suite-style bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms.
  5. Leslie Hall is comprised of suite-style bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms.
  6. Meyer Hall is comprised of bedrooms with an accompanying bathroom in each room.
  7. Plaster Lodge is comprised of bedrooms with an accompanying bathroom in each room.
  8. Roseman Apartments is an eight-unit apartment complex with living-dining room combinations, two bedrooms, two full baths, plus a washer and dryer in each unit.
  9. Woody Hall houses two students per room with community bath facilities on each floor.

Prices for room and board are for actual school days and do not include holidays or periods between terms. During school breaks and holidays, students may not reside in the residence halls; however, extenuating circumstances may be brought to the attention of the Director of Residence Life.

Curfew is required of all first-semester freshmen living on campus unless otherwise waived by the Vice President for Student Life. The hours of curfew are:

Sunday - Thursday: 12 midnight - 6 a.m.
Friday - Saturday: 2 a.m. - 6 a.m.

Second-semester freshmen may earn the privilege of having curfew regulations removed if they fulfill the following requirements:

  1. The resident has not exceeded his/her allotted number of misses during their first semester under curfew.
  2. The resident has maintained a 2.00 cumulative GPA.
  3. The resident has not had excessive resident hall violations or disciplinary action imposed by the Office of Student Life.

Cancellation of Housing and/or Meal Plan Reservations

Students who cancel housing and/or meal plan reservations before the fifth day of classes during the fall and spring semesters will receive a 90% refund of semester housing charges. Students who cancel their reservations after the fifth day of classes will not receive a refund of semester housing charges.

Cancellations for the summer and May terms should be made 14 days prior to the beginning of the term. Other cancellation and withdrawal policies regarding housing are outlined in the Financial Information section of this catalog. For additional information, see the online SBU Student Handbook at www.SBUniv.edu/StudentHandbook.

Commuter Status Policy

To be eligible for commuter status, a student must meet Off-Campus Housing requirements or live with their parents, grandparents, or approved legal guardian who must live within a 30-mile radius of SBU’s Bolivar campus. Appeals to the policy will be considered by the Vice President for Student Life on a case-by-case basis.

All students wanting to apply for commuter status must file a Commuter Status Application with the Office of Student Life. Applications submitted by and approved for students taking full-time class schedules (12 hours or more for the Fall and Spring Semesters and three hours or more for the May and summer terms) will expire on the last academic day of the specified term(s) for which the student is approved to commute. All students taking full-time class schedules in a given semester are required to complete and submit an application if they desire to obtain commuter status for that semester. For more information, see online SBU Student Handbook (www.SBUniv.edu/StudentHandbook).

Off-Campus Housing

Students who are 21 years of age by October 1 for the fall semester or March 1 for the spring semester are eligible to move off campus. Other criteria for consideration for off-campus housing include students who live with their parents or who are married or have dependents. Current students must file the off-campus application no later than May 1 for the fall semester or summer term and December 1 for the spring semester or January term. All applications should be filed with the Office of Student Life.


The State of Missouri requires motorists to carry public liability and property damage insurance. Students from other states who bring automobiles to campus are urged to carry this insurance. Each student operating an automobile must display the University vehicle permit.

Student Identification Card

Each student is required to obtain a student identification card from the Office of Safety and Security. No charge will be made for the original card. The card is revalidated each semester of enrollment.

If a replacement identification card is needed, the student will be assessed a fee and may pick up the replacement card at the Office of Safety and Security during regular office hours. Student identification cards are important for library use, dormitory access, meal authorization at campus dining facilities, and access to the campus computer network.

Student Services

Counseling and Testing

SBU provides students with access to Licensed Mental Health Professionals to assist with personal and emotional issues. This service is offered on a limited basis without direct cost to students of Southwest Baptist University.

Career Services

See section under University Success Center .

Student Health Services

The University has a registered nurse who administers SBU’s Killian Health Center located in the Meyer Wellness Center.

General health services are provided at the Center for undergraduate and graduate students and for faculty, staff, and immediate family. Services provided include limited medical treatment, consultation, referrals, self-care recommendations, immunizations, and medical counseling. When self-care recommendations are offered, limited over-the-counter medications, bandages, and first aid-treatment are available without additional fees. These services are available to students who pay the student services fee.

Students who require specialized medical assistance or tests are referred to local medical facilities. Students needing additional treatment will be financially responsible for any services acquired. The University will not be financially responsible for costs incurred by the student for services provided by any physician or medical center. Students injured during intramurals or any other University activities are financially responsible for any treatments received beyond those provided by the Health Center.

Additional information is available at the Health Center (417-328-1888). To obtain documentation for a class absence (one or more days), a student must be seen by the Director of Health Services on the first day of the class absence.

Wellness and Sports Center

The Jane and Ken Meyer Wellness and Sports Center, completed in Spring 2005, is named in honor of Jane and Ken Meyer. The Wellness Center features include: fitness area with strength training and cardio machines, racquetball courts, swimming pool, gymnasium with three collegiate basketball courts and a running/walking track, climbing wall, and sports cafe. The mission of the Wellness Center is to provide a healthy and motivating environment where students, faculty, staff, and others can meet to enjoy wellness and sports opportunities and build relationships.

Student Organizations

The activities of student organizations are coordinated by the Office of Student Life. Campus organizations include academic, professional, and special interest groups. Students with other areas of interest or expertise are encouraged to work with the Director of Student Activities to form new clubs and organizations.

Student Association

SBU’s Student Association (SA) consists of an elected body of students who are given the responsibility of representing the desires and interests of the entire student body to the university administration. Eligibility requirements for joining SA can be found in the SA Procedures Manual. SA has weekly meetings that are open to all SBU students. SA can be contacted at sa@SBUniv.edu.

University Activities Council

The University Activities Council (UAC) is a group of students who coordinate many of the activities and major events that are offered throughout the year. There are four “committees” within the UAC: Campus Activities, Integration of Faith and Culture, Major Events and Publicity. Students wishing to be involved with the UAC should contact the Director of Student Activities.

Academic Organizations

Alpha Chi is a national honor society for juniors and seniors who have excelled in academic pursuits and rank in the top 10% of their respective classes. Chi Alpha Sigma is a national honor society for student athletes recognizing them for high academic achievement in their majors, while lettering in a collegiate sport. Pi Kappa Lambda is a national honor society for juniors and seniors who have excelled both in music performance and music scholarship. Psi Chi is an International Honor Society for students of psychology who excel in scholarship, display high standards of personal behavior, and seek to advance the science of psychology.

Professional Organizations

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is an international professional student organization promoting excellence in computer science fields. The Behavioral Sciences Club provides for the unity of those interested in all of the behavioral sciences. The Sociology and Criminal Justice Society is an honor society for those majoring in either Sociology or Criminal Justice, promoting scholarship and academic excellence. The Church Music Conference is a student chapter of the Baptist Church Music Conference and serves as a professional organization for all students interested in church music. Delta Epsilon Chi (Accounting Club) is open to all students interested in accounting and financial management. Fellowship of Christian Recreators provides professional guidance for majors and minors in all areas of recreation. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a national organization for students who are preparing for careers in business. National Association for Music Education is a student chapter of the national organization and is open to any student interested in teaching music. Phi Alpha is the national honor society in social work. Pi Kappa Delta is an honorary fraternity open to students who earn membership through forensic achievement both on campus and through participation in intercollegiate debate and individual speech events throughout the entire academic year. The Social Work Club is open to pre-Social Work and Social Work students and provides opportunities for learning and community involvement. The Student Missouri State Teachers Association is for students interested in and preparing for the teaching profession and is affiliated with the Missouri State Teachers Association. Zeta Kappa Chapter of Delta Mu Delta, a business administration honor society, is for qualified business majors. Financial Management Association (FMA) allows students to broaden their knowledge in finance and related areas, sharpen their professional skills, and prepare themselves for the professional workplace.

Fellowship Organizations

Book Club encourages interest and participation in cultural activities that are related to literature. The International Student Club provides support to international students and helps them to make the transition to university life in the United States. The Pre-Health Society is an organization helping future doctors, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, and veterinarians complete their undergraduate work and gain entrance into their chosen professional schools. The Pre-PT Student Organization is open to all students with an interest in the field of physical therapy. In addition to being a service organization, it disseminates information about the SBU physical therapy program and the physical therapy profession. Sigma Mu Theta is comprised of wives of students preparing for the ministry and other church-related vocations. One in Four is a social organization which educates students about relationship abuse on the college campus.

Spiritual Life and Ministry

The University provides opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to develop and deepen their spiritual lives. The main purpose is to lead students and faculty towards commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; build world vision, mission, and evangelism interests; support the local church; deepen respect for the authority of scripture; and help develop lives of integrity, prayer, and faith. A variety of ministry opportunities are offered through the Chapel and other Community Life & Worship programs: Center for Global Connections (CGC), discipleship, mentoring programs and various other student ministries.

Chapel: The Heart of the SBU Experience

Chapel is an integral part of the SBU experience and central to our life together. Chapel helps to build a sense of community at SBU by providing a shared experience of worship, biblical teaching, community, and prayer.

The first week of each semester will begin with a special Bible or missions conference. Chapel services will be held each Monday and Wednesday from 10:00-10:50 a.m. in Pike Auditorium, which is located inside Mabee Chapel.


At SBU, we are not only committed to training students in truth that they may become wiser but also instructing them in righteousness that they may become holier. Both occur in an environment dedicated to discipleship.

We aim to encourage every student to love the Lord with all his heart, mind, and soul, and love his neighbor as himself. We equip our staff and faculty, we train our Resident Directors and Resident Assistants, and we offer our students a variety of discipleship programs. Any student who desires to grow in his or her faith in Jesus Christ at SBU will experience no shortage of opportunities to do so. opportunities for discipleship at SBU come through the SBU D-Groups. These SBU D-Groups are student-led and overseen by the Campus Pastor and Director of Discipleship.

Community Life and Worship Programs

Small Groups: Our Community Sharing Life Together

Students will have the option of participating in a small group study led by faculty, staff and other local believers. Small group ministries are the place for students to grow spiritually. Students meet weekly in small groups that are exciting, innovative, Bible-centered, and fellowship-oriented. Small group ministry’s main focus is helping students develop a heart and sensitivity toward God.

Mission Participation: Our Community Being Sent Out

CGC provides life-changing opportunities throughout the world involving faculty, staff, and students. The focus of CGC is to develop world vision, mission, and evangelism interest and to train individuals to serve through lives of integrity, prayer, and belief based on the truth of Scripture. State missions through the Missouri Baptist Convention, national and international outreach through the North American and International Mission Boards, and multiple mission opportunities through Southwest’s mission center are available.

Serving the Community: Our Community Blessing the Community

Students have the opportunity to volunteer with many not-for-profit ministries within the Southwest Missouri area.

Special Interest: Our Community Engaging the Culture

Through coordination with the Integration of Faith and Culture Committee and the University Activities Council, opportunities will be provided for students to discuss our place in the culture. There will also be hosted debates, documentary films and film discussions during the semester.

Disciple-Now Teams

Consists of students committed to renewal. These students will lead retreats, lock-ins and conferences, teaching spiritual growth and discipleship principles.

Christian Service Organization

An outreach ministry in which students may reach their community through Christ-like love. It gives students a practical experience in effective community service through participation in a variety of outreach projects.

University Libraries

Mission Statement

The University Libraries advances the mission of Southwest Baptist University by building collaborative relationships; nurturing scholarship; providing information access and instruction; encouraging curiosity, exploration, discovery, and knowledge creation; and supporting learning in and beyond the university.

Vision Statement

The University Libraries integrates dynamic, user-centered services with the teaching, learning, and researching needs of the University community.

Core Values

The University Libraries:

  • embraces the University’s Christ-centered mission by serving the needs of its constituents and promoting spiritual growth;
  • initiates and nurtures collaborative relationships with its constituents;
  • regards academic excellence as the standard in its instruction, information access, knowledge creation, and operational practices;
  • promotes lifelong learning: educating users on the successful retrieval and ethical use of information; and cultivating critical thinking skills through information literacy instruction;
  • supports scholarly endeavors through the acquisition of information resources and innovative technologies;
  • builds physical and virtual infrastructures, organizing information into accessible, user-friendly collections;
  • acts with integrity and financial responsibility, modeling academic honesty and intellectual freedom; and
  • delivers a user-friendly, welcoming library experience by providing convenient, reliable, and proactive services in a positive learning environment.

Library Facilities

The University Libraries have a centralized library administration, which integrates library support and services for the four University physical campuses. The Harriett K. Hutchens Library is located in the Jester Learning and Performance Center on the Bolivar campus. Electronic library resources and a concise physical collection are available on the Mountain View, Salem, and Springfield campuses.

Library Use

SBU identification cards serve as library cards and must be presented for checkout materials, including media resources and equipment. Professional librarians are available for research assistance. Additional information about library services and support, including student privileges and responsibilities, is included in the SBU Student Handbook and in the University Libraries Policy Manual. The Policy Manual is on the University Libraries’ website.

Information Access

The University Libraries’ website (library.SBUniv.edu) is an excellent source for information. In addition to the University Libraries’ catalog and databases, general information about library hours, policies, collections, archives, course related web resources, branch library information, and useful research guides are just a few of the resources available on the site. The University Libraries provide access to a significant number of electronic resources, including full-text articles, e-books and databases. These resources are available via the University Libraries’ website on or off campus.

SBU is a member of MOBIUS, a consortium of libraries. SBU faculty and students may request books not available in our collection from MOBIUS libraries. In addition, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service for books and articles not available within the MOBIUS consortium is available through the OCLC WorldShare. SBU is also a member of the Christian Library Consortium which has additional ILL options.

General Collection

The University Libraries collection includes print volumes, e-books, media titles, microforms, and electronic periodical titles. The collection includes the Library of American Civilization microfiche collection of primary source material; ERIC documents on fiche and online; and a curriculum collection containing K-12 textbooks, juvenile books, and other teaching materials and aids for use by education majors.

Special Collections

  • R. Earl Allen Model Pastor’s Library - includes a collection of theological and sermonic books, plus other related materials
  • Antique/Rare Books Collection - consists of books that are restricted to library use only due to their nature and condition
  • Faith Enrichment Collection - collection of materials to assist in the spiritual development of students and staff
  • Butler Baptist History - a microfilm collection of older works on Baptist History
  • SBU Collection - includes published, bound books by or about SBU faculty, alumni, staff, and trustees

Joyce Sells Heritage Center

The Heritage Center was created as a memorial to the former first lady, Mrs. Joyce Sells. The center provides facilities for the display of SBU heritage materials and space for researchers to study historical documents and artifacts of the University. This is a designated quiet study area in the library.

University Archives

This collection of historical treasures related to the life and times of SBU and SWBC is housed in the Harriett K. Hutchens Library. Access to archival content is by appointment only.

Library Publications

  • Research guides are available in each library to provide information about library hours, resources, services, and assistance.
  • Website - the website contains course specific reference guides developed by the faculty to assist students in locating information relevant to a course.

University Publication

The Catalog is the official University publication. Any other publication to be distributed to students, faculty, and staff must have approval from the Office of Student Life. The University reserves all publisher rights and privileges to these publications.

University Activities


The University provides a comprehensive program of intercollegiate athletics in baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, track and field, and tennis for men. Women’s sports include basketball, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, cross country, and track and field. Intercollegiate athletics are conducted according to the rules and regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Great Lakes Valley Conference. Additionally, there is an active intramural program of sports in which all students may participate. The University assumes neither legal nor financial responsibility for injuries or accidents that may result from participation in varsity athletics, extramurals, intramurals, or athletic clubs. However, members of varsity athletic squads are provided insurance coverage through special group insurance programs. All other participants should acquire minimum insurance coverage.

Debate and Forensics

The Bob R. Derryberry Division of Language and Communication maintains an active program of participation in intercollegiate debate and forensics. Membership on the traveling groups is achieved by performance, and each year students represent the University locally and in major tournament competition.


The Division of the Arts provides opportunities for a variety of theatrical experiences. Auditions for University productions are open to all members of the student body.

Music Ensembles

The music ensemble organizations are directed by faculty members of the Area of Music and are open to all qualified students of the University for credit: University Singers, SBU Chorale, Chamber Singers, Opera Theatre, Wind Symphony, University Band, Bearcat Marching Band, Worship Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, and String Ensemble. Auditions are required for some ensembles.

Student and Alumni Awards

Rev. C.A. Butler Sociology Award

Mr. and Mrs. James Owen have established this annual award in memory of Rev. C.A. Butler, an outstanding pastor and faculty member of Southwest Baptist College. This award is given to the graduate who is most outstanding in the field of sociology.

The Jasper A. Clark Biology Award

The area of Biology has established the Jasper A. Clark Biology award to be given annually to an outstanding graduating senior majoring in biological science. The award is in memory of Dr. Jasper A. Clark in recognition of his long and distinguished service to Southwest Baptist University. The faculty in the area of Biology, in consultation with other division personnel, shall select the recipient of the award. Criteria for selection are:

  1. A biology or medical technology major
  2. A graduating senior
  3. An area of Biology advisee
  4. An overall GPA of 3.25 with a 3.50 GPA in the major
  5. A reputation above reproach

The Hamlett Creative Writing Award

A grant has been made by Fred P. Lollar of Burlingame, CA, to establish the Hamlett Creative Writing Award in recognition of the teaching and service of Miss Mayme Hamlett. An annual award will be made from the earnings of this grant to a promising student writer completing his/her junior year. A committee of the faculty members of the Division of Language and Communication will select the recipient.

The May M. Hurst English Literature Award

The May M. Hurst English Literature Award is presented annually to a high-ranking student in English literature classes. The recipient of this award is selected by a committee composed of the faculty of the Division of Language and Communication. This award is provided by the Hurst family: the late Mrs. May M. Hurst, James Frederick Hurst Jr., and Mrs. Helen Hurst May.

The James Frederick Hurst Memorial Mathematics Award

The James Frederick Hurst Memorial Mathematics Award is presented annually to the highest-ranking graduating student in the Area of Mathematics. Professor Hurst was chair of the Department of Mathematics of Southwest Baptist University for 25 years from 1926 to 1950. This memorial has been provided by the Hurst family: the late Mrs. J.F. Hurst, James Frederick Hurst Jr., and Mrs. Helen Hurst May.

Life Beautiful Award

In 1937, Rosalee Mills Appleby, missionary to Brazil, established the Life Beautiful Award to be given each year to the outstanding man and woman in the graduating class who show by their scholarship and character that they are going out from the school to live the “life beautiful”. Pictures of selected students are displayed in the Goodson Student Union. The faculty selects the recipients of the award.

Life Service Award

In 1955, the Board of Trustees of Southwest Baptist University established the Life Service Award. This award is given annually to alumni of the University who have demonstrated excellence in their personal and professional lives.

N.J. Nabors Forensic Service Award

The N. J. Nabors Forensic Service award is presented annually in honor of Dr. N. J. Nabors, national leader in Pi Kappa Delta and friend of SBU forensics. It is presented to the member of the speech team who best demonstrates service to the team and maintains a Christian example in competition.

Paul F. Wright Distinguished Speaker Award

The family and friends of Rev. Paul F. Wright have established an annual award to outstanding speakers and students of excellent character. A special committee of the faculty selects those who receive the award. Recipients are given attractive medals and are honored at the Awards Banquet.