Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees for Undergraduates

The University reserves the right to adjust or revise charges at any time during the year.

Bolivar Campus

Enrollment Deposit: $200

Undergraduate Tuition, Fees, and Room and Board in University Housing

Charge Per Semester Cost Total Fall/Spring
Tuition (12-18 credits)
Tuition above 18 credits: $740 per credit
$14,328 $28,656
Room - standard dorm room with fees* $1,983 $3,966
Cafeteria - standard 20-meal plan $2,905 $5,810
Mandatory Fees - student services fees, includes Academic Materials fee $955 $1,910
Total tuition, room, board and fees for standard undergraduate accommodations in University
$20,171 $40,342

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees for Off-Campus Housing

Charge Per Semester Cost Total Fall/Spring
Tuition (12-18 credits)
Tuition above 18 credits: $740 per credit
$14,328 $28,656
Mandatory Fees - student services fees $955 $1,910
Total tuition and fees for off-campus housing** $15,283 $30,566

Note: All mandatory fees are non-refundable.

Note: The University charges, shown above, are prior to a student being awarded private or federal financial aid or University scholarships.

*The charges shown are for a standard form room with fees. Charges for dorm rooms with fees vary based on dorm style, as listed on the following pages.

**Amounts presented above do not include required course/lab fees. See course descriptions in Catalog and/or semester course schedule listing (The Course Source).

Part-Time (less than 12 credits) Student Fees Undergraduate tuition per credit: $1,195
Undergraduate audit per credit: $100
Dually enrolled tuition per credit: $100
Polk County Opportunity tuition/credit: $100
Student services fees/semester:
1-5 credits: $400
6-11 credits: $798
SBU Academy: $221
May Term Costs
Undergraduate tuition per credit: $325
Dorm room: $500 per term/$125 per week
20-Meal plan: $720 per term/$180 per week
Student services fee: $95 per term
Summer Costs - June and July 2024
Undergraduate tuition per credit: $325
Dorm room: $500 per term/$125 per week
Apartments - Summer annual lease: $1,283
15-Meal plan: $668 per term/$167 per week Student services fee: $95 per term


Special Fees (Non-Refundable)

Mercy College of Health Professions Fee: $135 per credit for all NRS/NUR/HSC courses. (This fee covers additional program, courses, and professional fees) 

SBU Library and Technology fee: $25 per credit hour for WWC courses

Student teaching fee: $390
Dormitory Fees (Per Semester)
Beasley Hall: $1,983
Casebolt Apartments: $2,566
Landen Hall: $1,983
Leslie Hall: $1,983
Memorial Hall: $1,983
Meyer Hall: $1,983
Plaster Lodge: $1,983
Roseman Apartments: $2,566
Woody-Gott Halls: $1,983

Mountain View, Salem and Springfield Campuses

Undergraduate Tuition Per Credit (Fall, Spring)
Mountain View Campus: $220

Salem Campus, General courses: $220

Salem Campus, ASN Bridge: $450

Springfield, General courses: $325
Springfield, ASN courses: $450
Springfield, BSN courses: $325

Springfield, HSC courses: $325
Springfield, ASR courses: $450
Undergraduate Tuition Per Credit (Summer 2025)

Mountain View Campus: $220
Salem Campus, ASN Bridge: $450
Salem Campus, Other courses: $220

Springfield, General courses: $325
Springfield, ASN courses: $450

Springfield, BSN courses: $325

Springfield, ASR courses: $450
Springfield, HSC courses: $325


Mandatory Fees Per Semester (Non-Refundable)
Mercy College of Health Professions fee $135 per credit (ASN, BSN, ASR, Health Sciences [ASHS, BSHS, BSHS])

Assessment fee, Part-time (non-ASN): $0

Assessment fee, Full-time (non-ASN): $0

ASN Program Fee: $925 per term

ASR Program Fee: $200 per term

Other Charges
SBU Library and Technology fee: (ASN, ASR, HSC, BSN (Bolivar & Springfield), and Springfield General courses): $25 per credit hour

All Campuses

Special Fees (Non-Refundable)
(Charged to students using the designated service)
Dishonored check fee: $40
Lab/course fees: see course descriptions
Auditing Fee, per credit: $100

Program Completion Fees
Associate of Arts: $185
Associate of Applied Science: $185

Associate of Science in Nursing: $215

Associate of Science in Radiography: $215
Associate of Science: $185
Bachelor of Arts: $185
Bachelor of Science: $185
Bachelor of Applied Science: $185
Bachelor of Science in Health Science: $185
Bachelor of Science in Nursing: $215

Bachelor of Music: $185
Second degree fee (if completing two degrees at the same time: $35
Note: All mandatory fees are non-refundable.

Registration Procedures by Campus

Registration for the Bolivar Campus

The registration process consists of the following events:

  1. Paying a $200 registration pre-payment (new students only).
  2. Registering for classes with advisor.
  3. Receiving a billing packet that contains the bill for the classes chosen, payment plan information, and other pertinent information relating to finalizing the registration process.
  4. Finalizing registration by making full payment of the bill or making financial arrangements for full payment of the bill through scholarships, federal financial aid, or enrolling in a payment plan. The billing packet will have a due date for completion, which must be met to avoid a late registration fee.

Registration for the Springfield Campus

The registration process consists of the following events:

  1. Students are required to register during the published registration period. All other registrations are considered late registrations (see Late Registration Finalization for Springfield campus for details).
  2. Current SBU Springfield ASN/BSN/HSC students may self-register online if their account is in good standing and they have met with their academic advisor prior to registration. Pre-nursing and all other students are required to meet with an academic advisor and are not eligible to self-register online.
  3. Receiving a billing packet that contains the bill for the classes chosen, a schedule of chosen classes, payment plan information, and other pertinent information relating to finalizing the registration process.
  4. Finalizing registration by making full payment of the bill or making financial arrangements for full payment of the bill through scholarships, federal financial aid, or enrolling in a payment plan. The billing packet will have a due date for completion.

Registration for Mountain View or Salem Campuses

Prospective students should contact the Mountain View or Salem campuses directly for information about registration.

Late Registration Finalization for the Springfield Campus Only

Any student who has not registered during the published registration period is considered a late registration. Late registrations may require proof of financial aid eligibility and/or payment may be required by the published payment deadline.

Late Registration Finalization for the Bolivar, Mountain View and Salem Campuses

Late registration finalization is permitted after classes begin until the published last date to add classes.

Payment of Accounts

All charges for tuition, fees, and room and board are due in full at the beginning of each semester. These charges will be reduced by any financial aid (scholarships, federal aid, etc.) and loans for which the student is eligible. Students who are unable to pay their net charges in full at the beginning of a semester are required to select one of the University payment plans available through the MyBearcat portal.

Students with unpaid balances will not be eligible to enroll for future semesters or to receive transcripts and diplomas unless they are enrolled in and current on payments through a University payment plan. Students will be assessed finance charges on unpaid balances at an annual rate of 9%. Delinquent accounts requiring additional collection efforts will be subject to additional costs including but not limited to outside collection fees, legal fees and other administrative costs.

All students are required to acknowledge and agree to the Student Financial Responsibility Statement once each academic year via the MyBearcat portal.

Tuition Refund Policy

The University has three basic semester terms: (1) Fall/spring 16-week semesters, (2) eight-week terms, and (3) four-week summer terms. These are generally defined as:

  1. Fall/spring 16-week semester: sixteen weeks having 75 class days (15 weeks of five days each) and final exams
  2. Eight-week summer term: eight-week term having 31 days of classes and final exams
  3. Four-week summer term: four-week term having 15 class days and final exams

The following refund policy related to the above structure:

When refund is requested Amount refunded for Fall/Spring Sixteen-Week terms Amount refunded for Eight-Week terms Amount refunded for Four-Week terms
Prior to first day of class 100% 100% 100%
During first 5 days of semester/term 100% 100% 75%
During next 5 days of semester/term 75% 75% 50%
During next 5 days of semester/term 50% 25% 0%

Classes may meet on a regular basis throughout the week or on a once-per-week basis. This policy counts class days as if all classes were meeting each weekday. If a term or semester begins on a Tuesday, then the first five class days are counted as that first Tuesday through the following Monday. If a term or semester begins on a Monday, the first five class days are counted as that first Monday through Friday. If a term or semester begins on a Monday and a student’s first course of the term or semester has its first class on that Friday, for purposes of the refund calculation, by the end of that Friday, the first five days of the term will have expired. Withdrawal dates for online classes are determined by the last date the student logged into the course. For purposes of the refund calculation, if the last log-in date is on a weekend, the last date of attendance is considered to be the previous Friday.

Other classes that meet on a term that is not defined above (one weekend, etc.) will be allowed a 100% refund if the withdrawal occurs before the first class. Withdrawals during the term will be proportionately based on the fall/spring chart.

Housing and Board Refunds

Refund on housing and board (cafeteria plan) charges, excluding the housing deposit, will be according to the following schedule, based on when the student withdraws from school or from housing:

Prior to the start of classes: 100% refund
Before the fifth class day: 90% refund
After the fifth class day: No refund

Special Circumstances Tuition Refunds

Students may request the special circumstances refund withdrawal calculation if they must withdraw for the following reason:

  1. Illness, certified by a physician (copy of physician’s request to withdraw required)
  2. Students called into active military duty (copy of orders required)

The tuition, room and board charges will be refunded based on the percent of the term attended. Financial assistance will be cancelled based on institutional and federal policies. (Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for further details).

The Special Circumstance Request must be submitted prior to the end of classes for the term in which the special circumstance occurs.

Cancellation of Federal Financial Assistance

Students who have been awarded federal financial assistance from the University and withdraw from school or cease to attend classes prior to completing 60% of the term are subject to the cancellation of their federal financial assistance and the removal of the awards previously credited to their accounts. Non-attendance of classes does not constitute official withdrawal from the University. Students must complete the official withdrawal process through the University. Applicable refunds for students receiving federal and/or state financial aid funds will be calculated in reference to the student’s last date of documented attendance, or the last day of class participation. See consumer information on the SBU website for additional information about withdrawing from school.

Warning: Students who drop classes during the institutional refund period which causes their enrollment to be other than full-time status will be considered ineligible for full federal financial assistance awards. Federal financial assistance credit will be removed from a student’s account in accordance to the lower number of credit hours.

Cancellation of federal financial assistance will be made in accordance with current federal regulations and will be processed by the Office of Financial Aid. For information concerning the current federal financial assistance cancellation policies, students should contact the Director of Financial Aid.

Cancellation of Other Financial Assistance and Scholarships

Scholarship and other institutional awards are subject to cancellation and the removal of credit from the students account if they withdraw from school, cease to attend classes or are deemed ineligible due to their status of less than full-time. (Exception: Students attending other than the Bolivar campus may be eligible to receive limited private scholarship awards if attending less than full-time.)

Before dropping a class or withdrawing from school, students should consult with their academic advisor, and contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine the financial impact of their decision.

  1. Dropping Classes: Students who drop a class during the institutional refund period will lose eligibility for scholarships, should that dropped class put them below the hour requirements as specified for that scholarship.
  2. Withdrawing from School: Students who withdraw from school during the institutional refund period will have scholarships prorated based on the tuition refund for that semester. Students who withdraw after the institutional refund period will maintain scholarships that have been awarded for the semester.


Requests for Official Transcripts must be made in person or on the web via Parchment. Official Transcript requests can be found on the SBU website at: http://www.sbuniv.edu/Reg/Transcript.HTM.

Requests for Unofficial Transcripts must be made in person or via email. Instructions for requesting Unofficial Transcripts can be found on the SBU website at: http://www.sbuniv.edu/Reg/Transcript.HTM.

No transcript will be released until all accounts at the University have been paid in full. Additionally, Perkins/National Direct Student Loan repayments must be current and student loan exit interviews must be completed.

Transcript fees are as follows:
Official Transcripts in person are $15.00 for first-class delivery. The official transcript is printed on security paper with the University Seal and the signature of the Registrar.

University Scholarships

Southwest Baptist University provides scholarships to qualifying undergraduate students attending the Bolivar campus who are of high scholastic rank and to those in certain special categories. Requests for scholarships should be addressed to the Office of Admissions, unless otherwise indicated in the provisions for a particular scholarship.

General Scholarship Regulations

  1. Undergraduate scholarship recipients must be enrolled full-time (12 hours or more) at the Bolivar campus to qualify for scholarships unless otherwise stated in the individual description of the scholarship. Exception: Students enrolled in at least 6 credit hours of undergraduate classroom course work during the final semester of their degree program prior to graduation may receive all institutional scholarships for which they are eligible up to their charges for that semester.
  2. Students will receive the scholarships for which they are eligible and recommended, provided (a) they have supplied all necessary information and required forms within the deadline dates and (b) their total financial aid provided by the University does not exceed their college costs (as indicated by the catalog) or violate the conditions for receiving the assistance.
  3. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis reflecting credits earned in the fall and spring semesters only and not for the May or summer terms. Renewal, where applicable, is on an annual basis. Because recipients of scholarships normally can complete their degrees in eight semesters, recipients are ineligible for scholarships beyond the tenth semester, regardless of whether they have received 10 semester awards under the scholarship. Limited scholarships are available for graduate studies.
  4. Institutional scholarship values listed in this catalog apply to students planning to enter SBU during this catalog’s academic year. Returning student institutional scholarship values are listed in catalog year for which the student began at SBU and are subject to change at the discretion of the University.
  5. Failure to abide by regulations regarding academic achievement and conduct may result in cancellation of the scholarship.
  6. Scholarship awards are subject to cancellation and the removal of credit from students’ accounts if they withdraw from school, cease to attend classes, or are deemed ineligible due to failure to maintain full-time status. (See Cancellation of Scholarships Policy.)
  7. Deadlines for submitting applications, required documents, or data have been set by the administration of the University. Failure to adhere to the criteria for each scholarship may make students ineligible to receive awards at a later date.
  8. All scholarships provided by the University, other than those funded through other sources, are subject to future action by the University, either to limit or discontinue the same.
  9. All scholarships require a 2.00 minimum GPA for renewal, unless otherwise stated.
  10. Institutional and non-institutional aid may not exceed the total cost of attendance. In such instances, institutional aid will be reduced.
  11. Scholarships and grants received by degree-seeking students are tax free to the extent used for tuition, fees, books, and supplies during the grant period. To determine potential tax liability, students and their families should consult a personal tax advisor or view IRS Publication 520 on the Internal Revenue Service Web site at www.IRS.gov.

Scholarship assistance for qualified students, as described below, originates from many sources. Many individuals and organizations have made generous gifts to Southwest Baptist University. Therefore, recipients of scholarships should demonstrate fidelity to the University, denomination, and Christian ideals that have prompted individuals and organizations to provide these scholarships.

Academic Scholarships for First-Time Freshmen Students

J.R. Maupin Founders Award

This academic award, named for one of SBU’s founders, is a full-tuition scholarship. To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must show academic excellence of a 3.85 GPA and a 30+ ACT/1340 + SAT. Eligible students receive an application for the scholarship shortly after admission. Students must complete the scholarship application process to be considered for one of the scholarships offered. Students receiving this scholarship are not eligible for any other SBU scholarship funds. All J.R. Maupin applicants are guaranteed the Presidential Distinguished Scholars Award. Students must be enrolled full- time and maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA for annual renewal.

Dutile Scholars Award

This academic scholarship is valued between $500-$2,500. If you qualify for the Presidential Distinguished Scholars Award or the Provost’s Scholars Award, then you may apply for this scholarship. To apply, complete the Scholars Application prior to the deadline and attend Scholars Day.

Each of the following academic scholarships are offered each year for four years as long as the student maintains the required GPA (2.00 cum), lives in on-campus housing, and stays enrolled as a full-time student. Individual award amounts are available from the Office of Admissions.

Presidential Distinguished Scholars Award

Provost’s Scholars Award

Dean’s Scholars Award

Bearcat Scholars Award

*SBU Residency Grant

A portion of each of the academic scholarships listed in this section will be credited as an SBU Residency Grant. To receive this portion of the scholarship you must be living in campus housing.

Academic Scholarships for Transfer Students

Each of the following academic scholarships are offered each year for four years as long as the student maintains the required GPA (2.00 cum), lives in on-campus housing, and stays enrolled as a full-time student. Individual award amounts are available from the Office of Admissions.

Presidential Transfer Award

Provost’s Transfer Award

Dean’s Transfer Award

Bearcat Transfer Award

*SBU Residency Grant

A portion of each of the academic scholarships listed in this section will be credited as an SBU Residency Grant. To receive this portion of the scholarship you must be living in campus housing.

Church-Related Scholarships

Church-Related Vocation Scholarship

The Church-Related Vocation Scholarship is available annually. Recipients of this award must major in Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries, Intercultural Studies, or Christian Studies. Students must request the CRV scholarship during the financial aid process. Recipients are expected to create a Christian service portfolio in consultation with their Redford advisor. Also, recipients must complete at least 6 hours of courses from their Redford major by the time they reach 64 credits and a total of 18 hours by the time they reach 96 credits.

Dependent of Church Minister Scholarship

The Dependent of Church Minister Scholarship is available annually. In order to qualify the student must meet one of the following criteria: 1) Spouse or dependent unmarried son/daughter of person engaged as church-related vocation professional, or 2) spouse or dependent unmarried son/daughter of retired or deceased church-related vocation professional (as long as the deceased person’s spouse has not remarried), or 3) spouse of church-related vocation majors enrolled at Southwest Baptist University. Application required.

Performance Scholarships

Art Scholarship

Art scholarships are available to students who demonstrate outstanding ability in art. Recipients are required to major in art. Inquiries should be directed to, and scholarship forms may be obtained from the Area of Art. Portfolios and applications are due by the end of the fall semester for the following academic year.

Athletic Scholarship

Scholarships are available to selected individuals who exhibit athletic skill and academic promise. Satisfactory academic progress must be shown each year in order for aid to be continued. Scholarships are offered to men for basketball, football, baseball, cross country/track, and tennis programs. Scholarships are offered to women for basketball, softball, volleyball, cross country/track, soccer, stunt, and tennis programs. Questions concerning athletic scholarships should be directed to the coach of each particular sport or to the Director of Athletics.

Music Scholarship

Scholarships are available to selected students who demonstrate special skill in voice, piano, organ, strings, or wind/percussion instruments. Auditions are required. Information concerning procedures, dates of auditions, and requirements may be obtained by contacting the Division of The Arts. To retain a music performance scholarship, students must satisfactorily perform in their appropriate ensembles and maintain a GPA of at least 2.00.

Speech and Debate Scholarship

Scholarships are available to students who demonstrate outstanding abilities in individual speaking and/or debate. Recipients are not required to major or minor in communication but are expected to participate as active and productive members of the intercollegiate speech and debate team. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of past achievements, grades, recommendations, the potential for strong team citizenship, and promise of success. Inquiries should be directed to the Bob R. Derryberry Division of Language and Communication. Awards are approved on a semester basis for selected students who maintain at least a 3.00 GPA.

Special Scholarships

Church Matching Scholarship

A student’s home church may contribute any dollar amount the church chooses (fall and spring only); SBU will match those church funds up to maximum. An agreement between SBU and the student’s home church is required. Church funds and required form(s) must be received by SBU during the semester for which the funds are intended. To benefit the student, it is recommended that SBU receive church contributions and form(s) by July 1 for the fall semester/year and/or December 1 for the spring semester. An interested student must submit the name of his or her home church, the church address, and a contact person at the church to the Financial Aid Office.

Required forms will be mailed annually to the home church in early May.

Dependent of Missionary Scholarship

The scholarship is available annually if you have a parent or spouse who is currently serving on the mission field with the International Mission Board (IMB), North American Mission Board (NAMB), or another approved missions organization. The student must be enrolled full-time and maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA.

Dual Credit Scholarship

If a student earns 6 or more hours of college dual credit through SBU, they could be eligible for a scholarship providing they meet the eligibility requirements.

Eligibility requirements for dual credit scholarships:

  • Earned six or more hours of dual credit through SBU dual credit courses
  • Achieved a cumulative 3.0 or higher GPA in their SBU dual credit courses
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student (12 hours minimum)

The amount of the dual credit scholarship depends upon SBU campus location and campus residency. Students are eligible to only receive one dual credit scholarship per semester.

These scholarships are renewable each semester while maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.0. The scholarship does not apply if the student is receiving a full-tuition scholarship.

Polk County Opportunity

Students may be eligible for the Polk County Opportunity rate (see Part-Time (less than 12 hours) Student Fees section) if they are non-degree seeking, live or work in Polk County Missouri and have not previously attended SBU. Students are eligible for this rate for up to 6 hours per semester, but not more than a total of 12 hours. At the completion of 12 hours, students will be charged the normal part-time rate.

SBU Sibling Scholarship

SBU offers a scholarship to students who have an undergraduate sibling from the same household who will both be attending the Bolivar campus. The scholarship will be renewed if the sibling continues to be a Bolivar student and/or graduates from SBU.

Other Institutional Scholarships

Southwest Baptist offers a limited number of other institutional scholarships that are awarded by the Office of Financial Aid to incoming students with special needs. Students must be full-time and make academic progress for the award to be renewed. Renewal is also contingent upon the availability of funds.

Completing the FAFSA:

All undergraduate students at Southwest Baptist University are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), to be eligible for any institution aid beyond their initial merit scholarship or to enroll in congruent terms.

Completion of the FAFSA is required for consideration of federal, state, non-merit institutional awards and need-based institutional financial aid. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal subsidized and/or unsubsidized Direct Student Loans
  • Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
  • Federal Work-Study
  • Any State grants or need-based scholarships funded by the State of Missouri
  • Institutional non-merit scholarships or awards
  • Institutional performance-based scholarships
  • Any need-based institutional grants or scholarships

Federal or State Assistance Programs

Southwest Baptist University offers a comprehensive financial assistance program designed to recognize student financial needs and to meet these needs with a combination of university, federal, state, and private assistance sources. Most assistance is awarded on the basis of financial need, and the total amount of assistance cannot exceed the cost of attendance. The assistance extended to students consists of loan, grant, and work programs that are administered by the Office of Financial Aid. Application for assistance is made by filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If the student is selected for verification, the Office of Financial Aid will request additional information from the student/parent.

All assistance application forms must be completed before aid can be awarded by the University. Application for admission to SBU must also be in progress so that scholarship information can be compiled with financial assistance data. All questions concerning the application process, application deadlines, or the following available assistance programs should be directed to the Offices of Financial Aid or Admissions.

Access Missouri Program

The Coordinating Board for Higher Education has established the Access Missouri Program for permanent residents of Missouri who will be attending college in Missouri on a full-time basis. Awards from this program may range up to $2,850 and can be applied for by completing the FAFSA online at www.FAFSA.ed.gov. FAFSA forms must be received by the federal processor by April 1.

Federal Pell Grant

The Pell grant is funded by the U.S. Office of Education. Grants range in amount and are dependent upon need, as determined by the FAFSA.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant funds are allocated to the University by the federal government and are awarded based on financial need. Grant awards are dependent upon the need of the student and the funds available. Students with the greatest financial need and who apply by the institutional deadline of February 1 have priority on receiving SEOG funds.

Federal College Work Study

Southwest Baptist University participates in the Federal College Work Study Program, which enables those students having financial need and seeking employment to have jobs on campus. Students must be qualified on the basis of financial need as well as ability to do a specific job. This program is designed to assist students in meeting their university expenses. All wages, hours of work, and job descriptions are controlled by federal regulations. Students are expected to abide by the guidelines of their particular work study assignments and to perform the duties satisfactorily as outlined by job supervisors. Federal College Work Study funds are limited. Prior to starting work, Human Resources must have on file a completed I-9 form and copies of two forms of identification.

Entrance Interview

Southwest Baptist University must have on file an entrance interview before any student may receive funds from either the nursing or direct loan programs.

Federal Nursing Loan

Federal nursing loans are available to qualifying ASN students in amounts related to financial need. Applicants must be eligible citizens or eligible non-citizens who are making academic progress and show financial need based on their families’ income and resources. No interest is charged, or payment expected while students are carrying at least half of the normal full-time class load. Repayment begins with interest accruing at 5% per year on the unpaid balance, nine months after students cease to be enrolled on a half-time basis. Payment schedules may extend to a maximum of 10 years, with at least 10% of the principal due each year. A minimum repayment of $40 per month is required on loans made after July 1, 1972. Before funds can be issued, borrowers must sign promissory notes and affidavits of educational purpose.

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

Federal Direct Loans are available to students who are enrolled on at least a half-time basis and who demonstrate financial need. Eligible students may borrow up to $3,500 for their first year of school (0-29 hours), $4,500 for the second year (30-63 hours), and $5,500 for the third (64-95 hours) fourth and fifth years (96+ hours) of school. Repayment begins six months after half-time enrollment status ceases, at a minimum rate of $50 per month plus interest.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

Many of the terms for the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan mirror those of the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan described above. Deferments are the same as for the Subsidized Loan; however, no in- school interest subsidies are provided by the federal government. In addition to the subsidized amounts, dependent undergraduates may borrow an additional $2,000 per year in Unsubsidized Loans. Independent first- and second-year undergraduates and dependents whose parents have been denied a
plus loan may borrow an additional $4,000 in Unsubsidized loans.

Independent third- and fourth-year undergraduates and dependents whose parents have been denied a plus loan may borrow an additional $5,000 in Unsubsidized Loans.

Direct Plus Loan (Parent loan)

The Parent Loan program was established to enable parents to borrow money to assist in the post- secondary educational expenses of their dependent sons and daughters. Eligible parents may borrow up to the total cost of attendance, less students’ financial assistance per academic year on behalf of each dependent undergraduate student. The first payment is due within 60 days of the date the loan is disbursed. Some deferment opportunities are available. Interested students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for information.

Alternative Loan Program

A variety of alternative loans are available. Interested students should contact the Office of Financial Aid or the university website for information.

Financial Assistance Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)

Southwest Baptist University is required by law to establish Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards to gauge the progress of students receiving financial assistance through federal, state or institutional aid programs by applying both qualitative and quantitative measurements to academic work. [34 CFR 668.16(e)] These measurements shall be used to determine a student’s eligibility for all federal Title IV aid and for other need-based financial assistance, unless the terms of a particular grant or funding source states otherwise. Degree seeking students in all undergraduate programs are covered under this policy. (SAP) will be reviewed at the end of every semester, and you must be meeting SAP standards, or you will either be placed on Financial Aid Warning, Financial Aid Probation, or Financial Aid Suspension. Students on Financial Aid Suspension may be eligible to appeal their suspension.

The academic policy at Southwest Baptist University is designed to enable students to achieve the degree requirements for graduation. Degree requirements for graduation include a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 at the time of program completion. Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is, therefore, measured by qualitative and quantitative standards to promote this outcome. All students must meet the requirements of both quantitative and qualitative satisfactory academic progress listed below to receive financial aid.

Quantitative Satisfactory Academic Progress - Students must complete 67% of the number of credits for which they have enrolled to remain eligible for federal financial aid. To establish a quantitative measure, a time frame is set for students to finish a program of study. Remedial courses are not counted as hours for pace purposes.

Qualitative Satisfactory Academic Progress - Student must earn a cumulative GPA as designated below. A student’s cumulative GPA includes credits for courses accepted by Southwest Baptist University from other institutions that count toward the student’s degree.

Hours Earned Minimum GPA Required
0 - 29 1.6
30 - 59 1.8
60 or above 2.0

Maximum Time Frame - Regulations require the maximum time frame to not exceed 150% of the published length of the program, measured in the required academic credit hours. For example, the length of most undergraduate academic programs is 128 credit hours required for degree completion and may not exceed 192 attempted credit hours (150% of 128 credit hours = 192 maximum attempted hours). Students who exceed the maximum time frame may request an extension by completing an appeal form, if approved aid would be offered on a semester by semester basis.

Withdrawals, Repeats and Incomplete Grades - Courses dropped after the drop/add period will count towards attempted hours. Repeat courses for which the student has previously earned credit will not count towards hours completed. However, they will count towards hours attempted even if credit was not previously earned. The highest grade will be the grade that counts towards the GPA calculation.
Credit hours for courses for which an incomplete or deferred grade is granted will not count as hours completed but will count towards hours attempted.

Transfer Students - Transfer students are accepted from regionally accredited colleges and universities on the basis of transcripts and satisfactory student records. Credits may be granted for most standard university courses with grades of C- or higher; however, the institution will transfer up to 6 hours of D. Only transferred courses accepted by Southwest Baptist University will be used in SAP calculations. Transfer students who are admitted and do not meet our quantitative and/or qualitative standard will be notified that they are on probation for their first semester.

Evaluation Period - A student’s academic progress will be evaluated at the end of each academic semester. Academic semesters for traditional UG students include fall and spring terms. Summer is only included if the student is taking a summer course.

Financial Aid Warning - A status a school assigns to a student who is failing to make satisfactory academic progress. The school reinstates eligibility for aid for one payment period and may do so without a student appeal. This status may only be used by schools that check SAP at the end of each payment period and only for students who were making SAP in the prior payment period they were enrolled in or who were in the first payment period of their program.

Financial Aid Suspension - Once a student has been placed on Financial Aid Warning, failure to meet SAP will place them on Financial Aid Suspension. Students on Financial Aid Suspension may be eligible to appeal their suspension.

Financial Aid Probation - A status a school assigns to a student who is failing to make satisfactory academic progress and who successfully appeals. Eligibility for aid may be reinstated for one payment period.

Academic Dismissal - Students under academic dismissal are not eligible to receive financial aid and are not eligible to appeal until they have been reinstated to the University. Reinstatement to the University does not guarantee financial aid eligibility or appeal approval.

Appeal - A process by which a student who is not meeting SAP standards petitions the school for reconsideration of his eligibility for FSA funds.

Automatic Termination of Aid Eligibility - Default on a federally funded student loan will result in automatic termination of aid eligibility.

SAP Appeal Process

  • Students who have been notified that they are on Financial Aid Suspension will be required to complete a financial aid appeal.
  • The first appeal, if approved, places the student on financial aid probation status and they are eligible to receive financial aid.
  • A second appeal places a student on financial aid probation, and they must complete the appeal process again with supporting documentation. The student is eligible to receive financial aid for an additional semester but must meet stipulations outlined in the appeal decision (e.g., limited hours or repeating course to raise GPA).
  • Students who fail to meet SAP requirements for three consecutive semesters are no longer eligible to receive financial aid.
  • If a student is making progress on their academic plan but is still below the SAP requirements, a student can be granted extended probation status and continue to receive financial aid as long as appeal stipulations are being met. Failure to make progress and/or failure to follow the academic plan will result in an appeal being denied and loss of financial aid eligibility.
  • Extenuating circumstances include: death of family member, illness, injury, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Appropriate supporting documentation must be provided. Students may not use the same extenuating circumstance for multiple appeals without sufficient documentation of ongoing issues.
  • Appeals must include a statement from the student explaining why they did not meet the SAP requirements, what has changed to allow them to meet the requirements in the next semester, an academic plan completed by the student and the advisor, and a statement from the advisor.
  • Students who reach the maximum timeframe due to switching majors, second majors or additional degrees, will be evaluated on a case by case basis through the appeal process (incomplete appeals will not be reviewed).

Reestablishing Financial Aid Eligibility

Students may reestablish eligibility by enrolling in one or more semesters and successfully completing the course(s) without the assistance of financial aid. When a student’s cumulative SAP progress is at or above 67% and they have met the required GPA for hours earned, then he or she will once again become eligible to receive financial aid.

Disbursement of Funds Policy

Acceptance and authorization to credit Federal funds to the student’s account is given by the online award letter process using the Student Self-Service in the MyBearcat Portal. Funds are credited to the student’s account on or as soon as possible after the first day of class assuming the student has been determined eligible and completed verification if necessary. The disbursement of Pell Grant funds at Branch Campuses is normally slightly delayed until further verification of student hours to assure accurate payment of funds. Students are always allowed to charge books against any pending Pell Grant credit.

Veterans and Military Students

Southwest Baptist University is approved for the education of veterans and their dependents under Chapters 30, 31, 34, 35 and 1606, Title 38, U.S. Code. According to the recommendations of the American Council of Education, credit may be granted for courses completed while in military service.

SBU, in compliance with USC Title 38 Public Law 115-407 Section 103 (A) & (B), any student utilizing theses chapters will not be assessed any penalties, fines, or interest as a result of the delay in receiving their Veteran’s Administration (VA) educational benefits. These students will still have access to, and be able to, utilize all facilities on all SBU campuses. While the payment for Chapters 30,35, and 1606 are payed directly to the student, and these students are covered under the law discussed in this section. The student is still responsible for ensuring that the University is paid in full by the end of the semester.

Veterans’ Benefits

In conjunction with Veteran’s Administration (VA) rules regarding USC Title 38 Section 21.4201 (e2i) any student eligible for any scholarship or award will be able to receive the award regardless of any VA benefit they may be utilizing. Furthermore, any student, VA and non-VA student alike, who is utilizing a payment plan with SBU must have that balance paid in full before the end of the semester and may not start any new semester until that balance is paid in full.

All persons wishing to use VA benefits are now required to request the use of their specific benefit each month utilizing the Veteran Certification Request Form. This form is located on the SBU website.

Beginning August of 2022, in accordance with Public Law 316-315 Section 1018, students using VA benefits will be required to meet with SBU’s VA Certifying Officer to go over the possible cost of their education, the other sources of income besides VA benefits, and other information.

The Financial Aid Office serves as the certifying office for eligible veterans and/or dependents of veterans. The certifying officer is the advisor and campus administrator of the Veterans’ Educational Benefit programs. Questions regarding eligibility benefits and enrollment should be made directly to the certifying officer.

There is a work study position in the VA office on SBU’s Bolivar campus that is open to anyone using VA educational benefits. Spaces are limited so apply near/at the beginning of the semester. Applicants will need to fill out a VA Form 22-8691, the hourly rate will be the Federal minimum wage or the minimum wage for the state, or whichever is greater. The total hours you can work will not exceed 25 times the number of weeks in the semester, the student cannot work more than 25 hours in a week. Applicants will be chosen each semester, and they must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.

Job responsibilities include:

  • Greet guests via phone or in person
  • Answer students’ questions or refer them to the site supervisor in regard to VA Ed. Benefits
  • Assist Site Supervisor with maintaining all files
  • Collect VA education paper work from students
  • VA Work Study Students may not perform physical manual labor other than what is previously listed here
  • No work outside the VA section may be completed while on the VA time clock
  • Work Study students may not assist other sections while on the VA time clock.
  • All times sheets must be filled out each day and signed by site supervisor each day