Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Academic Regulations


A graduate student completing a graduate course at Southwest Baptist University will receive a final grade in the course of A, B, C, F, P, IP, or I.

A student must receive a grade of C or higher in each course on the approved program of study.

Graduate students completing the M.S. in Education or Educational Administration or the Education Specialist may only have six (6) credits of C on a graduate-level transcript. Students with more than six (6) credits of C must retake these courses with Southwest Baptist University.

Incomplete Grades

An instructor may assign an incomplete grade (I) when a student has the possibility of earning a passing grade but is unable to complete all of the course requirements due to extraordinary circumstances (e.g., illness, family emergency). The incomplete grade (I) should be used only when the student has completed approximately 80 percent of the course requirements. An incomplete grade is not used to permit a student to repeat a course or to improve a grade. The instructor completes the Application for Incomplete Grade form, signs it, and submits it to the appropriate division head and dean for approval. The completed form is filed in the Registrar’s Office. Requirements for completing the course and appropriate grade designations are specified in the application. The student is responsible for completing satisfactorily all of the course requirements within 120 days of the posting of the incomplete grade. The instructor submits a Grade Change form to the Registrar’s Office to remove the incomplete grade (I). If the requirements are not completed within 120 days of the end of the term, the incomplete grade (I) will convert to a failing grade (F).

In-Progress Grades

An In-Progress (IP) grade may be given for courses that usually require more than one semester to complete; e.g., readings, projects, internships or practicum courses. Requirements for completing the course are to be specified by the instructor on the application. The In-Progress Grade form must be signed by the instructor and submitted to the appropriate division head and college dean for approval. The completed and signed form must then be filed in the Registrar’s Office; additional copies of the form will be given to the student, instructor, academic advisor and the college dean.

It is the responsibility of the student to satisfactorily complete all course requirements, under the supervision of the instructor, within 120 days of the posting of the in-progress grade. If the In-Progress grade is not cleared within this time limit, the IP will be changed to an appropriate letter grade based on the completed work. If there are extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, the student may request a time extension through the special academic request process.

Withdrawing from (Dropping) a Class After the Last Day to Add

Students may, with the appropriate approvals, discontinue (drop) any class for which they are registered. To do so, students should email their advisor and request to drop a specific class. The advisor will provide the student with a “Drop Slip” Template. The student should email the completed template to his/her advisor, the course instructor, and, if a student athlete, SBU’s NCAA Compliance Officer. Once all parties have given their approval and the instructor has provided the last date of attendance for the course being dropped, the advisor forwards the email thread to the Registrar’s Office to complete the drop. The recorded drop date will be the last date of attendance.

Academic Integrity [Conduct and Academic Integrity Policy (adopted 01.31.13)]

Graduate level education is a rigorous and exciting challenge. It brings with it many requirements for which the student is ultimately responsible. By accepting a position in a graduate program at Southwest Baptist University, the student voluntarily agrees to uphold the ideals, standards, and regulations set forth by the University and to respect the principles and traditions it upholds as a church related institution of higher learning. The student is responsible for all published academic integrity standards in the respective handbooks and catalogs of the division and the university. It is expected that the student will uphold the highest level of integrity and submit original work(s) for evaluative purposes. The graduate programs collectively recognize established university conduct policies with special emphasis on class “C” violations (See SBU Student Handbook). Sanctions for conduct violations, depending on severity of the individual case, may include reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, immediate dismissal, and/or denial of privilege to re-enroll at the university.

Dishonesty hurts everyone and it should be a concern for the entire university community. Confronting and reporting academic dishonesty should be done in a manner most appropriate to the circumstances. Acts of dishonesty that occur within the online or seated graduate course and/or program should be reported to and managed by the appropriate person within the graduate division (instructor, division head, dean).

Academic dishonesty is a class “C” offense and is subject to faculty sanctions which should be included in the course syllabus and may include any of the following: 1) Denying or reducing credit for an assignment or examination; 2) Requiring additional assignments and/or examinations, 3) Lowering the student’s course grade; and/or 4) Issuing a failing course grade.

Grade Appeal Policy

In a case in which a student has a grievance regarding a final course grade, the student should first attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor. If the grade dispute is not resolved at this level, the student may initiate a formal written appeal with the following provisions and/or guidelines:

  1. Only the final overall course grade may be appealed.
  2. No one may substitute personal judgment for that of the instructor in regard to the quality of the student’s work; therefore, evidence must be shown of any deviation from established procedure that adversely affects the student in the assignment of the letter grade for the course. Deviation from established procedure is defined as assignment of a grade on a basis other than the student’s performance in the course, assignment of a grade to a student by more stringent or different standards from those that were applied to other students in the course, or the assignment of a grade that does not align with the grading scheme outlined in the syllabus.
  3. The appeal must be initiated within six weeks of the start of the succeeding regular academic semester (fall or spring) from the end of the course that is being appealed.
  4. Any grade appeal must be submitted in writing using the Grade Appeal form obtained from the Registrar’s Office.
  5. The formal appeal begins when the student presents the Grade Appeal form to the instructor for his/her signature.
  6. The chain of appeal is:
    1. The student meets with the instructor to discuss the grade. If agreement cannot be made the course instructor should sign the grade appeal form for the student who will then submit the form to the division head.
    2. The division head/program director and dean shall collect information related to the grade appeal and meet separately with the instructor and the student. If the division head/program director and dean are in agreement that the grade should be overturned for the reasons outlined above then they should change the grade and submit the form to have the grade changed immediately to the Registrar. If the division head/program director does not agree that the grade should be overturned then they should sign the form and give a copy to the student.
    3. If the student wishes to pursue the appeal further, they should submit the form to the Provost with a request for a full grade appeal panel.

The first two of the above stages should occur within 20 school days (days must occur within a regular semester, fall or spring) of the initiation of the appeal.

If the instructor of the course is the division head or program director, the student may elect to initiate the formal appeal directly to the appropriate dean. In unusual cases in which the course is taught by the dean, the student may elect to submit the grade appeal to the Provost who will convene the Grade Appeal Panel.

Any request for a review by the Grade Appeal Panel should be made within 20 school days (within a regular semester) of the most recent appeal decision. This request is made by taking the Grade Appeal form to the Office of the Provost. The Provost will send the form and any related written statements to the Chair of the Academic Advisory Committee.

  1. The Grade Appeal Panel is to consist of three faculty members selected at random from the current Academic Advisory Committee; however, faculty members from the division or college being affected are not to be members of the panel. If the grade appeal is for a graduate level course then a member of the graduate council will also serve on the Grade Appeal Panel in lieu of one member of the Academic Advisory Committee. The chair of the panel is to be selected at random from the panel chosen. The Grade Appeal Panel will meet in closed session after the formal hearing for further discussion as necessary. The Grade Appeal Panel will make its final recommendation to the Provost by simple majority secret ballot.

Both the instructor and the student should be prepared to appear before the Grade Appeal Panel to present their cases formally. Witnesses may be called to support any evidence presented. A faculty member from the division affected may be called to answer any procedural questions.

The instructor and the student will appear separately before the Grade Appeal Panel to present their cases formally. Additional parties attending the hearing will be limited to those who were witnesses to any pertinent events or can provide first-hand testimony of the essential facts of the case. In addition, a faculty member from the instructor’s division may be called to answer any questions related to the standard operating procedures of that division. At the discretion of the chair, the panel may separately recall either the student or the instructor to clarify any discrepancies in their respective testimonies. In extenuating circumstances, as determined by the current chair of the Academic Advisory Committee, previous chairs of the Academic Advisory Committee may be called upon to serve on the Grade Appeal Panel. NOTE: This is the highest level of appeal. No further appeal is possible.

  1. The recommendation of the Grade Appeal Panel will be forwarded to the Provost for action, with the understanding that there will be no grade change without the explicit recommendation of the Grade Appeal Panel. If the grade is changed, the Provost will complete and sign the Change of Grade form, which will be sent directly to the Registrar.
  2. All of the appeal decisions are to be made within 24 hours of the conference or hearing. The results of the grade appeal will be put in writing and sent to the student and the instructor within two school days. The Change of Grade form will be sent directly to the Registrar. The entire grade appeal process should be completed within 60 school days of its initiation, unless they span over summer or Christmas break.
  3. An initiated formal appeal that is withdrawn may not be resubmitted.
  4. Confidentiality is maintained at all times in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Appeal of Academic Probation and Dismissal

A graduate student desiring to appeal the academic standing designation of probation or dismissal by a respective graduate unit should send a letter (either hard or electronic copy) to the Office of the Provost. The appeal letter must clearly state and explain:

  • Any unexpected, unavoidable, or otherwise extenuating circumstances that prevented the student from attaining or maintaining necessary academic progress.
  • What has been done by the student to prevent further academic difficulties?
  • Any non-academic grounds by which the appeal should be considered.

Appeal letters must be received at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the upcoming semester. The Graduate Council will review appeals normally within six weeks of confirmation of receipt of the appeal letter to Provost and prior to the start of the upcoming semester. The Provost will preside at the review session. The head of the graduate unit will provide background information for each student’s appeal. The student may be invited to attend the review session. A final decision by the Graduate Council will be made in closed session. The Graduate Council may uphold or rescind the original decision and specify the new academic standing placed upon the student. The advisor of the student, the head of the graduate unit, and the student will be notified in writing of the decision of the Graduate Council. This is the final level of appeal available within the University related to academic probation and dismissal.


In Absentia

Students must participate in commencement unless absence is approved by the Provost prior to the ceremony. The reason for not participating in commencement must be explained in writing to the Provost who will grant or deny permission to be excused from commencement.

Walking Early

In order to participate in a formal commencement ceremony, all the established components of a graduate degree plan must be completed as is established in the respective course catalog. SBU offers a December or May graduation ceremony. Students completing graduation requirements in the summer may participate in the May commencement.

Students may walk early under the following condition:

  1. The outstanding hours are limited and may be completed in the term immediately following the formal commencement ceremony. To Walk Early in the Spring Commencement, the outstanding hours must be completed in Summer.
    1. Physical Therapy may have 9 credits outstanding (specifically related to Clinical Education).
    2. Education students may have 6 credits outstanding.
    3. Nursing students may have 6 credits outstanding.
    4. Business administration students may have 9 credits outstanding.
  2. The Graduate Student Request to Walk Early form will need to be completed by students whose hours exceed the limit listed above. The form is submitted to the Graduate Division Head by the submission deadline (March 10 for May graduation).


Requests for Official Transcripts must be made in person or on the web via the National Student Clearinghouse. Official Transcript requests can be found on the SBU website at: https://www.sbuniv.edu/academics/academic-resources/registrar/.

Requests for Unofficial Transcripts must be made in person or via email. Instructions for requesting Unofficial Transcripts can be found on the SBU website at: https://www.sbuniv.edu/academics/academic-resources/registrar/.

No transcript will be released until all accounts at the University have been paid in full. Additionally, Perkins/National Direct Student Loan repayments must be current and student loan exit interviews must be completed.

Transcript fees are as follows: Official Transcripts in person are $10.00 for first-class delivery; $40.00 for express delivery. The official transcript is printed on security paper with the University Seal and the signature of the Registrar.