Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Student Life

All graduate students are required to abide by the following University regulations and expectations. Students should contact the appropriate graduate division head for clarification of student life regulations.

Student Responsibility

The goal of campus life at Southwest is to provide a Christian community of faith and learning. Life in such a community brings many privileges, but it also carries responsibilities. By virtue of their enrollment at SBU, students agree to accept responsibilities of membership in the University community. As conditions of admission, the University reserves the right and power to discipline or dismiss any students who fail to accept this responsibility. Each student agrees that the University shall have this right and power of discipline or dismissal.

Upon using the University Libraries or other libraries with which agreements are maintained, students agree to accept certain responsibilities. Students are responsible for knowing these responsibilities and policies. Each year the SBU Student Handbook is updated and a library guide describing services and regulations is available at the Hutchens Library reference desk.


Any member of the University community may assume responsibility for upholding University standards of conduct. Normally, the first approach should be to advise or counsel students about the alleged misconduct. When counseling is unfeasible or ineffective or in cases of serious violations, referral will be made for more formal counseling or disciplinary proceedings. Guidelines for disciplinary action, along with the procedure for disciplinary appeals, are outlined in the SBU Student Handbook.


Students should refer to the SBU Student Handbook (www.SBUniv.edu) for information regarding misconduct.

Student Housing

The University provides student housing in campus dormitory and apartment facilities during the summer sessions and regular semester sessions. In order for a student to request dormitory or apartment housing, a housing contract must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Life by the student prior to arrival on the Bolivar campus. Housing accommodations will be provided on a first-come first-serve basis.

Housing information is available through the Office of Student Life. Prices for room and board are for actual school days and do not include holidays or periods between terms.

Graduate students must make a $100 housing/enrollment deposit if they are full-time fall or spring semester students. Any damage for which the student is responsible will be charged to his/her account or deducted from the housing/enrollment deposit.

Cancellations must be made 14 days prior to the beginning of the semester. If the cancellation is received after this time the housing/enrollment deposit will be subject to forfeiture. Students who cancel housing reservations before the fifth day of classes during the fall or spring semesters will receive a 90% refund of semester housing charges. Students who cancel housing reservations after the fifth day of classes will not receive a refund of semester housing charges.

Local motels are available in the Bolivar area for those students not wishing to stay on campus during short summer sessions. Students are responsible for making their own hotel arrangements.

A variety of meal plan options are available for those students not living on campus but desiring to eat in the Mellers Dining Commons, Sports Café, and/or Kaldi’s Coffee Shop. For more information, contact the Office of Student Life (417-328-1885) and/or the Fresh Ideas office (417-328-1542) or visit http://www.sbuniv.edu/campus-life/living/food-services.php.


The State of Missouri requires motorists to carry public liability and property damage insurance. Students from other states who bring automobiles to campus are urged to carry this insurance. Each student operating an automobile must display the University vehicle permit and obey University and community regulations regarding the care and use of an automobile.

Parking permits may be picked up from the Safety/Security office. There is no charge for a parking permit. Parking permits are issued each academic year beginning with the fall semester. The permit may be used during the fall, spring, and summer terms. Parking permits must be displayed on the left side of the rear window of a vehicle. Tickets are issued for unidentified cars parked on campus.

Disabled or otherwise handicapped persons may obtain a handicap parking decal, good for any authorized parking space, provided that approval is documented by the University Health Center. Disabled permits may be obtained from the Physical Plant office.

For more information concerning parking on campus, please see the brochure “Motor Vehicle Regulations” available at the Safety/Security office or in college/division offices.

Student Identification Card

Each student is required to obtain a student identification card from the Office of Safety and Security. No charge will be made for the original card. The card is revalidated each semester of enrollment.

If a replacement identification card is needed, the student will be assessed a $25 replacement fee and may pick up the replacement card at the Office of Safety and Security during regular office hours.

Student identification cards are important for library use, CLW attendance credit, dormitory access, meal authorization at campus dining facilities, and access to the campus computer network.

Student Services

Counseling and Testing

Students at Southwest Baptist University have available to them one part-time and one full-time Licensed Mental Health Professional to assist with personal and emotional issues. This service is offered without direct cost to students of Southwest Baptist University. The Counseling Center offices are located within the Behavioral Sciences Division on the second floor of the Gott Education Center.

Career Services

The office of Career Services is available to assist students and alumni with career coaching, career assessments, resumes, cover letters, mock interviews and guidance through the job search process. Career Services is located in the office suite of Mabee Chapel.

Student Health Services

Southwest Baptist University offers a student health service which provides medical services for minor illnesses or injuries on a walk-in basis during the hours of operation. This service is extended to all undergraduate students through the health fee (optional for all graduate students not in the Physical Therapy program). The only charge made to the student is for laboratory work. The health center uses a referral system with local doctors when necessary. SBU offers no student health services for students at the Branch Campuses.

The student is responsible for expenses incurred for ambulance service, calls at a local physician’s office, emergency services, and other services provided by any local hospital where students may be taking classes.

All international students accepted for admission to Southwest Baptist University are required to purchase a 12-month medical insurance policy from a United States based company prior to campus arrival. Once medical insurance is purchased, the student must provide documentation verifying the health policy to the University Health Center. A 12-month medical insurance policy must be maintained while the international student is attending SBU.

Academic Advising

Each graduate student is assigned a faculty advisor in the degree program the student chooses. The advisor will assist the student in planning his/her program of study and adjusting to the academic demands of graduate studies.

Goodson Student Union

The Felix Goodson Student Union is a center for student activities available for graduate and undergraduate students. Included in the Union are the Kaldi’s Coffee, game room, student leadership offices, bookstore, the Office of Student Life, University Ministries, and Davis Theatre.

University Bookstore

The University Bookstore, located in the Goodson Student Union, carries a complete stock of textbooks, selected trade books, supplies, and many items for personal use. Sales are mainly on a cash basis, however, checks and major credit cards are accepted.

Student Organizations


Students in the Master’s Certification program are encouraged to join the Student Missouri Student Teacher Association. Information is available in the Office of Teacher Education.

Physical Therapy

Students in the physical therapy program are encouraged to join the American Physical Therapy Association. The SBU Student Physical Therapy Association is a student organization open to all students in the professional physical therapy program.

Spiritual Life and Ministry

Graduate students are not required to fulfill the Community Life and Worship requirement. However, graduate students are invited to participate in this spiritual experience. A listing of Community Life and Worship and Global Connections opportunities may be seen at http://www.sbuniv.edu/campus-life/spiritual-life/clw.php.

University Libraries

Mission Statement

The University Libraries advances the mission of Southwest Baptist University by building collaborative relationships; nurturing scholarship; providing information access and instruction; encouraging curiosity, exploration, discovery, and knowledge creation; and supporting learning in and beyond the university.

Vision Statement

The University Libraries integrates dynamic, user-centered services with the teaching, learning, and researching needs of the University community.

Core Values

The University Libraries:

  • embraces the University’s Christ-centered mission by serving the needs of its constituents and promoting spiritual growth;
  • initiates and nurtures collaborative relationships with its constituents;
  • regards academic excellence as the standard in its instruction, information access, knowledge creation, and operational practices;
  • promotes lifelong learning: educating users on the successful retrieval and ethical use of information; and cultivating critical thinking skills through information literacy instruction;
  • supports scholarly endeavors through the acquisition of information resources and innovative technologies;
  • builds physical and virtual infrastructures, organizing information into accessible, user-friendly collections;
  • acts with integrity and financial responsibility, modeling academic honesty and intellectual freedom; and
  • delivers a user-friendly, welcoming library experience by providing convenient, reliable, and proactive services in a positive learning environment.

Library Facilities

The University Libraries have a centralized library administration, which integrates library support and services for the four University physical campuses. The Harriett K. Hutchens Library is located in the Jester Learning and Performance Center on the Bolivar campus. Electronic library resources and a concise physical collection are available on the Mountain View, Salem, and Springfield campuses.

Library Use

SBU identification cards serve as library cards and must be presented for checkout materials, including media resources and equipment. Professional librarians are available for research assistance. Additional information about library services and support, including student privileges and responsibilities, is included in the SBU Student Handbook and in the University Libraries Policy Manual. The Policy Manual is on the University Libraries’ website.

Information Access

The University Libraries’ website (library.SBUniv.edu) is an excellent source for information. In addition to the University Libraries’ catalog and databases, general information about library hours, policies, collections, archives, course related web resources, branch library information, and useful research guides are just a few of the resources available on the site. The University Libraries provide access to a significant number of electronic resources, including full-text articles, e-books and databases. These resources are available via the University Libraries’ website on or off campus.

SBU is a member of MOBIUS, a consortium of libraries. SBU faculty and students may request books not available in our collection from MOBIUS libraries. In addition, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service for books and articles not available within the MOBIUS consortium is available through the OCLC WorldShare. SBU is also a member of the Christian Library Consortium which has additional ILL options.

General Collection

The University Libraries collection includes print volumes, e-books, media titles, microforms, and electronic periodical titles. The collection includes the Library of American Civilization microfiche collection of primary source material; ERIC documents on fiche and online; and a curriculum collection containing K-12 textbooks, juvenile books, and other teaching materials and aids for use by education majors.

Special Collections

  • R. Earl Allen Model Pastor’s Library - includes a collection of theological and sermonic books, plus other related materials
  • Antique/Rare Books Collection - consists of books that are restricted to library use only due to their nature and condition
  • Faith Enrichment Collection - collection of materials to assist in the spiritual development of students and staff
  • Butler Baptist History - a microfilm collection of older works on Baptist History
  • SBU Collection - includes published, bound books by or about SBU faculty, alumni, staff, and trustees

Joyce Sells Heritage Center

The Heritage Center was created as a memorial to the former first lady, Mrs. Joyce Sells. The center provides facilities for the display of SBU heritage materials and space for researchers to study historical documents and artifacts of the University. This is a designated quiet study area in the library.

University Archives

This collection of historical treasures related to the life and times of SBU and SWBC is housed in the Harriett K. Hutchens Library. Access to archival content is by appointment only.

Library Publications

  • Research guides are available in each library to provide information about library hours, resources, services, and assistance.
  • Website - the website contains course specific reference guides developed by the faculty to assist students in locating information relevant to a course.

University Publication

The Catalog is the official University publication. Any other publication to be distributed to students, faculty, and staff must have approval from the Office of Student Life. The University reserves all publisher rights and privileges to these publications.